
Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Life is busy! Summer is coming to an end for us so I have been busy trying to finish projects and organize our lives before the chaos of school schedules starts. 

I've also been taking more time to hang with the kids and doing things as a family. They are growing way too fast and I feel like our family time can be limited due to work, school, and other commitments (read- sports.) 

While I take some time to savor the last 2 weeks before we have a 7th grader and one in Preschool 2, I will leave you with a couple of projects that are currently in the works. 

I'm rehabbing an end table... (Thinking of gold dipped legs)

Trying to decide which side will look best in my living room...

And I'm refinishing the front door- which might be the death of me. 

I always feel like I have a million projects going on so this is pretty standard around here. Fingers crossed they are all finished in the next few weeks! 

Say a prayer for me! 


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