
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Conversations with Andrew

Let me start with saying that I can't yet understand every thing that he is talking about. There are some times that I just go with it and see where it takes us. I'm loving this stage of his childhood for the most part. Sure, some days are exhausting and never ending.. it seems like the next thing might send me over the edge- then we have a conversation or he gives me an unsolicited hug, kiss, or I love you Mama and all the stress melts away. 

Here are some recent chats that we've had:

Andrew:What's that sound?
Me:What sound?
Andrew:My hiccups?
Me:You have the hiccups?
Andrew:No, I don't have the hiccups.

Andrew found his binoculars and was talking excitedly about his field trip to the zoo tomorrow.
A: I see the penguins, the lions, the elephants
Me: Sorry buddy, there aren't any elephants at the zoo you are going to.
A: I see the monkeys. I don't want to see Sparky more.
Me: Why don't you want to see Sparky?
A: I just want to see the penguins and the monkeys. Monkeys eat butt-nanas.
Me: I like bananas.
A: No mama, monkeys eat butt-nanas.
Me: You used to like bananas.
A: No, I no like butt-nanas more. I not a monkey. I Andrew.

A:I'm not scared in my big boy bed any more. 
Me:You're not? That's great! Why aren't you scared any more?
A: I don't know. I just happy. 

I love the randomness of his thoughts. 
and his face is pretty cute too!

See you soon!

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